New Study Proves That Collagen Peptides Can Fix Skin Wrinkles!

New Study Proves That Collagen Peptides Can Fix Skin Wrinkles!

Originally Published: Mar. 12, 2025 Last Updated:

There are loads of products on the market promising to reduce wrinkles. For many of them, it’s just unproven hype.

But there’s one supplement we know can reduce wrinkles. And with the latest research findings, we can have more confidence than ever.

In this article, we’ll dig into the evidence surrounding collagen peptides to see how effective they actually are. Plus, we’ll look at how to use them the right way to start reaping their benefits and address the collagen vs protein controversy.

Table of Contents

1. Aging and Skin

2. Collagen Helps Wrinkles

3. Mechanism

4. What About Safety?

5. How to Use?

6. References

Aging and Skin

But first, what is collagen anyway and what does it have to do with wrinkles?

Collagen is the most common protein in our bodies. Think of it like the scaffolding that provides structure in our muscles, bones, tendons, and skin. In the skin specifically, collagen forms a network that supports the outer layer, giving it firmness and elasticity [1].

Specialized cells in the skin, called fibroblasts, make collagen and elastin, which is a key component for elasticity. But as we age, those fibroblasts become less active. Collagen production declines by around 1–1.5% a year from early adulthood. And existing collagen breaks down more quickly. This process is made worse by lifestyle factors like smoking and spending time in the sun [1].

With less collagen, the skin begins to lose firmness and elasticity. We start to see wrinkles and sagging skin.

Collagen Helps Wrinkles

Since collagen is so important, it’s natural to wonder: If we consume more collagen, does that help? Can our bodies somehow make use of it to restore or replace the collagen in our skin? Let’s see what the research says.

Studies of collagen’s effects on our skin typically involve taking supplements. And those supplements usually consist of collagen peptides. Peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins. So collagen peptides are what we get when we break collagen proteins into smaller pieces.

One randomized controlled trial tested the effects of collagen peptides on wrinkles and skin quality. Participants took collagen peptides or a placebo over 12 weeks. Their skin was carefully measured before, during, and after the study period. Researchers found those who were taking the collagen peptides had significant improvements in wrinkles, skin roughness, elasticity, and moisture [2].

And this kind of change isn’t seen in just one or two studies. A meta-analysis in 2023 looked at 26 randomized controlled trials of collagen peptides. The study authors concluded the evidence shows that collagen supplements significantly improve skin hydration and elasticity [3].

These are two key markers of improved collagen in the skin.

And our confidence in collagen’s power to affect our skin’s condition is now even stronger. Since that meta-analysis was published in 2023, four additional studies have reinforced those earlier results. All show positive effects.

For instance, a study published in February 2024 looked at wrinkles, elasticity, and hydration. Researchers measured participants at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Once again, those taking collagen peptides experienced significant improvements in wrinkle size, elasticity, and hydration [4].

Then another study published in November 2024 looked at the effects of 5 g daily of collagen peptides. Eighty-five women were assigned either to a placebo group or to the peptide group. After about 6 months, the supplement group had marked improvements in skin density and moisture [5].

But what counts as a “significant improvement”? How big of an impact can collagen supplementation make?

One study on collagen peptide supplements took careful measurements of skin wrinkles and thickness using precision tools. After 90 days of treatment, those taking the supplement saw wrinkles reduced on their foreheads and around their mouths and eyes by between 14 and 31%. That’s a substantial change [6].

Collagen peptide supplements even appear to help in other ways. There’s a suggestion that they may improve sleep quality in men who were struggling with sleep, with participants waking up less often during the night [7]. And another study suggested that collagen peptides made daily physical activity easier and reduced pain [8].


So what’s going on here? How does collagen actually help? And how should we use collagen peptides to get the most benefit? Let’s dig deeper.

When we swallow a supplement containing collagen peptides, they get absorbed by the stomach and intestines. From there they make their way into the blood. As the blood circulates throughout the body, the peptides finally reach the skin. A study using both mice and humans confirmed this: the collagen peptides we eat do indeed make their way to our skin [3].

What happens when they get there? The peptides signal the fibroblasts in skin to produce more collagen and elastin. They also stimulate the production of substances that help block the breakdown of existing collagen and elastin. So they start rebuilding the crucial structures for healthy skin and reduce the loss of what we already have.

Another interesting effect connects to skin moisture. Collagen peptides also stimulate production of hyaluronic acid, which has a unique ability to bind and hold onto water [9]. That’s a key part of locking in moisture and keeping skin looking youthful.

But here’s a question that’s caused a bit of controversy. As we’ve noted, collagen peptides are chains of amino acids. Our bodies can build collagen from the amino acids we might get from various protein sources. So couldn’t we just eat proteins? Do we get any extra benefit from consuming collagen peptides specifically?

One intriguing randomized controlled trial from 2020 sheds light on this. It examined burn patients. One group took extra protein. The other took a matching amount of collagen peptides. The collagen peptide group experienced a significantly higher wound healing rate compared to the protein group. This suggests collagen peptides do indeed have benefits beyond regular protein intake [10].

In addition, several studies have shown that when collagen is broken down into peptides, it’s easier for our bodies to absorb and use [11].

What About Safety?

All this sounds amazing, but there’s one question we should always pause to ask: Are collagen peptides safe?

Collagen peptides are a natural substance. They are simply parts of the collagen protein we eat when consuming animal products. The good news is that they have no known serious adverse effects on our health. The FDA, the World Health Organization, and the European Commission for Health and Consumer Protection have all listed collagen peptides as safe [12].

How to Use?

So how can we use collagen peptides to reap their benefits for improving the appearance of our skin?

First, we need to understand the available forms. Collagen usually comes in the form of peptides—short chains of amino acids—also called hydrolyzed collagen. Online, you’ll see “Collagen Peptides Type 1” or “Type 3.” This relates to the original type of collagen strand that was broken up into shorter peptides. From the data we have, the original type of collagen doesn’t seem to matter in terms of the effects, because those original ropes of collagen have been chopped up into shorter pieces.

How much do we need? The range of collagen peptide intake that’s shown effectiveness in existing studies is between 2.5 to 15 g per day [13].

And how long do we need to take it? A key thing to keep in mind about collagen peptides is that they’re a supplement to consider for the long haul. Studies find that effects show up over a number of weeks or months. You’re not going to see a difference immediately.

But given what we’ve seen so far in this article, I personally incorporate collagen peptides into my supplement stack and plan to do so indefinitely. They’re something our bodies can always use to maintain healthy skin, particularly as we age. I’ve recently released a new form of MicroVitamin called MicroVitamin+ Powder. It contains 12.5 g of collagen peptides. My goal was to create something that would let me get more of the supplements I take in one convenient package. (Just because I take a supplement, though, in no way means you should too.)

One other important note: If we’re taking collagen peptides to help build up our skin from the inside, we also want to prevent damage from the outside. The most significant source of skin damage and aging is the sun. Sunlight has ultraviolet (UV) rays that break down the collagen we want to preserve.

To protect our skin from the sun, we can do two things:

1. Spend less time in the sun, especially in the middle of the day when it’s strongest.

2. Wear sunscreen and protective clothes when we’re outside.

For maximum effectiveness, it’s best to use sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher.















About Dr. Brad Stanfield

Dr Brad Stanfield

Dr. Brad Stanfield is a General Practitioner in Auckland, New Zealand, with a strong emphasis on preventative care and patient education. Dr. Stanfield is involved in clinical research, having co-authored several papers, and is a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. He also runs a YouTube channel with over 240,000 subscribers, where he shares the latest clinical guidelines and research to promote long-term health. Keep reading...

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Have you found any vegetarian option products for the Collagen Peptides?

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